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Online Learning Clay Buddha Jump Over the Wall

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Miniature Food workshop. Polymer clay workshop. Clay Buddha Jump over the Wall. Online learning.


Miniature Food Online class. Clay Buddha Jump Over the Wall In this intensive miniature workshop teaches you several techniques to create small and cute versions of food display. Discover the entire process to create tiny food using clay making unique shapes and textures. Watch my live demonstration within 2 days of purchase. Follow along with me and create this awesome cute set of clay in one or multiple of the styles I show you through the online session. Throughout this class, you'll learn: - The supplies, materials, and tools needed to make clay food. - Learn about how you can make use of tools you can find around you. - Simple clay modelling and painting techniques that works for countless color combinations - Simple Color Mixing - Tips for rolling and cutting your clay - Simple finishing technique Ingredients to make: 1. Black Chicken. 2. Abalone 3. Dried Scallops 4. Goji Berries.

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SGD 70.00



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